2024 Notes Part 3: Sneaking Beyond the Veil
I was savoring my cup of noodles and jamming to Taylor’s TTPD when out of nowhere, I felt this urge to write something.
As I started to (officially) enter my mid-life crisis, I was determined to at least make it less insufferable. That was why I initiated to expand my circle by making some new friends and trying things that I wouldn’t normally do. The overall experiences that I have had so far have been nothing but a complex tapestry of feelings. Some parts disappoint me, but others make me gleam. But that’s life, isn’t it? And I want a life that gets me through a spectrum of emotions raging from elation to wistfulness.
Yet, amidst all of this I-don’t-know-where-life-could-take-me moments, I’ve come to notice one thing: that my life was pretty much sugar-coated.
Some parts of me already understand that my parents did the most part in shielding me from the cruelness of this world, but I still can't fully comprehend what kind of sweet-savoring world they crafted for me. In a world often depicted through rose-tinted glasses, it’s easy to get trapped in the illusion of brightness which makes us believe that all is well. And life, I’m sure all of us are aware of this, certainly isn’t just about all the brights, triumphs, and joys. It also encompasses the setbacks and lows. Yet there are many lower lows than the one I used to know, and there are tons of darker darks.
No, I won’t talk about those lower lows and darker darks here. As written in the title, this is merely a brief note. I’m sure one day I’ll look back on this and suddenly there will be a flick that revives all of the memories. Or maybe I won’t. I might completely lose all of the memories and cannot recall this nonsense. However, this note can be a good reminder that the world isn’t as small as a mustard seed. [chtrn]